Hildegard Rebaschen dental care
Hildegard Rebaschen dental care
Lixivum dentale (tooth wine) bio
original recipe
- Natural dental care
- cares for gums and teeth
- made from organic grapevine
Lixivum dentale (vine ash lye) is a natural wine-based dental care product with real vine ash. The vines used for production are freshly cut in the spring. Lixivum dentale is made according to the original recipe of the abbess Hildegard von Bingen. Both the wine and the vines come from controlled organic cultivation.
Hildegard recommends brushing your teeth and gums regularly with the grapevine wine: 'This takes care of the gums and the teeth become strong and beautiful.'
Lixivum dentale should act like a mouthwash for one to two minutes before brushing your teeth and be distributed throughout the mouth with jaw movements. After that, you should brush your teeth.
Vinum (wine*), Vitis Vinivera Ash (sterile grapevine wood ash*)
*from organic farming